Sunday, May 29


Polka dot blouse- Me, Wide leg trousers- vintage, Heels- Zara (bought them like hundred of years ago), Quartz necklace- veeeery vintage, Purse- Dayaday

Hey guys! Hope u had an awesome weekend and got the chance the charge some batteries. I did not have the luck to spent it with fun plans, i was stuck in my house the whole weekend, laying in bed feeling like crap with nauseas and a killer headache!

This pics were shot a couple of weeks ago near my house and Hidemi was all excited trying the capture the movement of the cars in the avenue. It was fun, but scary at the same time... im pretty sure i was about the get hit by a car a few times!. Still insisting... im becoming her guinea pig and somehow im liking it! hahaha

Love this shoes im wearing here... i bought'em in Zara a LONG time ago, back in 2004 for my Prom Night and ever since i've been loving them so bad. I've never been able to get rid of them 'cause they are incredibly comfortable and dressy. I think i'll probably keep'em in my closet for a few more years!


Hey! Espero que hayan tenido un finde increible y hayan tenido chance de cargar baterias. Yo por mi parte, no tuve la suerte de hacer algun plan divertido, me quede en casa acostada con nauseas y un dolor de cabeza horrible!

Estas fotos las tomamos hace un par de semanas cerca de mi casa y Hidemi estaba toda emocionada tratando de capturar el movimiento de los autos en la avenida. Fue divertido, pero me asuste un poco al mismo tiempo...toy segura que estuve a punto de ser atropellada por un auto unas cuantas veces! Sigo insistiendo... creo que me estoy convirtiendo en su conejillo de indias y de alguna me manera me esta gustando! jajaja

Amo estos zapatos que estoy usando aqui... los compre hace MUCHO tiempo, en el 2004 para la noche de mi graduacion y desde ese entonces no he sido capaz de desahacerme de ellos porque son increiblemente comodos y vestidores. Creo que los mantendre en mi closet por unos cuantos anios mas!

Lots of Love!


  1. love these photos! you look sooo cute :)

    ps. last day to join my satchel clutch giveaway!

  2. muy bueno el blog !!
    si te gusta el vintage, entrá a curiosear el mìo

  3. wonderful post!
    HI!my name's martina and I come from Italy... I'd like you visit my blog and if you want... follow me! I wait you and your tips!
    Glamour Marmalade

  4. I love your polka dot top! Very cute! It seems like you guys had a lot of fun taking the photos!
    I am sorry to hear that you were sick....
    - Marie
