Saturday, April 30


AvantGarde June 2011
Valeria Ven Der Graaf by Klaas Jan Kliphuis

I'm loving this mix of nudes+oranges!

Friday, April 29


1. O.P.I. in Need Sunglasses, 2. Essie in Funky Limelight, 3. Urban Outfitters POP in yellow, 4. Uslu Airlines in C.A.B., 5. Illamasqua, 6. American Apparel in Neon Yellow.

Im going through a yellow obsession these days and i've been looking like crazy a cool yellow (neon or not)nail polish over here but somehow it seems like it's impossible to find one!

btw... did u guys watched the Royal Wedding? I'm a little bit brokenhearted, i grew up loving Prince William, he actually was like my Prince Charming and now he got married!
No hard feelings for Kate at all, she's gorgeous and so was her wedding dress! hehe :)

Lots of Love! Enjoy the weekend!:D

(the polka dot dress pic, taken from Yara's blog)

Wednesday, April 27



Sweater- Express, Skirt-me, Booties- Aldo, Necklace- Dayaday

If u had to decide, would u say this is a leopard print skirt?

I made this last january with my tailor. The moment i saw the fabric i completely fell in love with it even though i could not figure out was print it had! The cashier woman on the store said it was Che Guevara's face... creepy. My tailor and my mom said it was totally the peace sign and me... well, i just love it because it looks like leopard.

Uploading this pics i could not stop thinking about what we were talking in class today. We were talking about animal prints and what kind of people likes to wear it... and let me tell u the description everyone made was very funny. My classmates ended up with the conclusion that most of women who uses the kind of print are like a "catwoman", those who want to look sexy (in a tacky way). Well, i dont agree with that... i really like it in some details, it looks really really awesome if u mix it and combined the right way, of course not like Peggy Bundy or Nanny Fine would do it!

This pics were shot by Hidemi, my new star photographer ( i love her already!) and i had a blast while taking them. We met this day and practicly in five minutes we were already chit-chating and laughing. She is increidbly sweet and made me feel so comfortable, that much that i could not stop laughing while she was shooting!

Lots of Love

Pictures taken by

Monday, April 25


Hey guys!

How is your week starting? Hope u all had a great Easter Holiday!

Well, first of all i have to apologize for the huge neglect, i've been very busy doing homeworks and reading some books for a class and i couldn't find time for TFI :(

I've been reading this incredible book "The Death of Fashion, The Day After" from Susana Saulquin, an argentinean fashion sociologist (yes... i read sometimes complex, intense and deep books, im not that shallow). In this i found a fragment from the Small Moral Works of Giacomo Leopardi, a italian poet and philosopher from the 19th century. It is incredible and u should totally read it!


Fashion. Ho, Madam Death, Madam Death!

Death. Wait till your hour comes, and I’ll come to you without your calling me.

Fashion. But, Madam Death ——

Death. Go to Beelzebub with you! I’ll come, sure enough, when you don’t want me.

Fashion. Come to me, indeed! As if I were not immortal!

Death. Immortal, quotha! No, no — as the poet says, “ A thousand years and more have passed since the times of the immortals ceased.”

Fashion. Madam seems to spout her Petrarch as if she were an Italian lyric poet of the fifteenth or eighteenth century.

Death. Aye, I love the sonnets of Petrarch, for in them I find ample record of my triumphs, and they abound in mention of me. But again I say, be so good as to be off.

Fashion. Oh come! By the love you cherish for the seven cardinal sins, stop a moment and look at me!

Death. I am looking at you.

Fashion. And do you mean to say you don’t know me?

Death. You should know that my sight is bad, and that I can’t use spectacles, since the English now make none that suit me; and if they did, I have no nose to stick them on.

Fashion. Why, I am Fashion, your own sister.

Death. My sister!

Fashion. Aye; don’t you remember that we are both the children of Frailty?

Death. What have I to do with remembering — I, who am the sworn enemy of memory?

Fashion. But I remember the circumstance well; and I also know that both of us are alike employed continually in the destruction and change of all things here below, although you take one way of doing so, and I another.

Death. Unless you are talking to yourself, or with some person you have there inside you, I beg you will raise your voice a little and articulate your words better, for if you go on muttering to me between your teeth like that with that voice like a spider’s, I’ll never hear you, since, as you know, my hearing is as bad as my sight.

Fashion. Well, although it is not good manners to speak plainly, and though in France nobody speaks so as to be heard, yet, since we are sisters, and need not stand on ceremony with each other, I’ll speak as you wish. I say, then, that the tendency and operation common to us both is to be continually renewing the world. But whereas you have from the beginning aimed your efforts directly against the bodily constitutions and the lives of men, I am content to limit my operations to such things as their beards, their hair, their clothing, their furniture, their dwellings, and the like. Nevertheless, it is a fact that I have not failed at times to play men certain tricks not altogether unworthy to be compared 80 to your own work; as, for example, boring men’s ears, or lips, or noses, and lacerating them with trinkets which I place therein; or scorching their bodies with hot irons, which I persuade them to apply to their persons by way of improving their beauty. Then again, I sometimes squeeze the heads of their children with ligatures and other appliances, rendering it obligatory that all the inhabitants of a country should have heads of the same shape, as I have ere now accomplished in America and Asia. I also cripple mankind with shoes too small for their feet, and stifle their respiration, and make their eyes nearly start out of their heads with tightly laced corsets, and many more follies of this kind. In short, I contrive to persuade the more ambitious of mortals daily to endure countless inconveniences, sometimes torture and mutilation, aye, and even death itself, for the love they bear toward me. I say nothing of the headaches, and colds, and catarrhs, and fevers of alls sorts, quotidian, tertian, and quartan, which men contract through their worship of me, inasmuch as they are willing to shiver with cold or stifle with heat at my command, adopting the most preposterous kinds of clothing to please me, and perpetrating a thousand follies in my name, regardless of the consequences to themselves.

Death. By my faith, I begin to believe that your are my sister after all. Nay, it is as sure as Death, and you have no need to produce the birth certificate of the parish priest in order to prove it. But standing still exhausts me, so if you’ve no objection, I wish you would run on alongside of me; but see you don’t break down, for I run at a great pace. As we run, you can tell me what it is you want of me; and even if you would rather not keep me company, still, in consideration of your relationship to me, I promise you that when I 81 die I’ll leave you all my effects and residuary estate, and much good may it do you.

Fashion. If we had to run a race together I don’t know which of us would win, for if you run fast, I positively gallop; and as for standing still in one place, if it exhausts you, it is bane to me. So let us be off, and as we run we’ll talk over our affairs.

Death. All right, then; and since you are my own mother’s child, I hope it will suit you to assist me in my business.

Fashion. I’ve already told you that I have heretofore done so more than you would suppose. First of all, though it is my nature forever to annul and upset all other customs and usages, I have never and nowhere done anything calculated to put an end to the custom of dying; and thus, as you see, it has prevailed universally from the beginning of time till now.

Death. A precious marvel, forsooth, that you have abstained from doing that which it was not in your power to do!

Fashion. Not in my power, quotha! It is very evident that you have no idea of the power of Fashion.

Death. Well, well, it’ll be time enough to discuss this point when the custom of dying comes to an end. But in the meantime I want you, as a good and affectionate sister, to help me to prevent such a result, and to attain its very opposite, even more effectually and more expeditiously than I have yet done.

Friday, April 22


Hey guys!

Doing my daily reads on the blogs i follow, i noticed on Ms. Eggplant's Chronicles a great list of the 10 things she loves the most and she was inviting all her fellow bloggers to do the same.

It's a cool way to share details that probably everyone else don't know about u. The idea is inviting 10 other fellow blogger to do the same... but as lovely Ms. Eggplant did, i invite everyone of u to do it! :D

So here is my list with no particular order:


I just can't get enough of them. No matter what breed they are or if they only poop and bite... they are one of the cutest and sweetest thing in life.

If i could, i would have one closet only for them!

I could eat sushi 24/7, the whole 365 days of the year... on breakfast, lunch and dinner.

It is my other passion and probably if i weren't in fashion industry i would be on the gastronomy business

It is my therapy for daily stress. At night i love to put on my running sneakers, my ipod and hit the streets while i sing (...and sweat) my heart out.

Can't live without them... everyday my collection gets bigger and i just can't stop buying new colors!


Yeah... most of u probably think i've gone mad, but i haven't! This beautiful centroamerican country is big rain forest and after living there it is inevitable to end up loving rain, it sound and the smell of wet dirt!

I used to hate them when i was a little girl but now i simply love them! Just name a place and i'll be happy to hit the road. Of course it is always necessary to have a good selection of music, a lot of junk food and a great companion.

Writing this made me realize i have never shared with u my sketches! That is my other therapy... i can happily spend hours and hours with just a paper and a pencil

I can't live without them either! Watching them in the movies or at home and of course having long chats about them! I just can't understand people who does not apreciate and enjoy films.

Tuesday, April 19


Brocade Jacket- me, Tee- Vintage Couture, Distressed Jeans- Zara, Heels- apocs, Earrings- Isadora, Bracelets- Vintage.

Hey Lovelies! There is nothing much too say lately... just on regular rutine going to classes while i dream on being in my hometown enjoying the beach during these Easter Holidays.

Are u guys are doing something?

Today i shot some outfit photos for
TFI and i had such a good time! I met this new photographer, Hidemi. She is like the sweetest girl on Earth and the most talented young one! She made me laugh so hard and made the whole shooting way too fun and natural. Can't wait to keep working with her! :D

I decide to introduce u one of my precious garments on my closet... this brocade jacket i designed myself and of course made by my tailor. Plus! i thought u guys should know the beautiful view i have in my flat... this is one of my favorites spots on my tiny little house, the balcony!

Lots of Love

Pictures taken by Hidemi

Monday, April 18


Asos HEIST bow platform high sandals

I need this beauties on my feet with my nails painted in acqua polish!

As some of u may know, as i wrote in previous posts i have this weird love/hate feeling with the red+pink color combination thanks to my mother who told me since i was a little girl that i should never used them together.
A few months ago i start changing my mind and watch this with different eyes. I suddenly have an obsession with red+pink and i still don't know if it is because it actually looks awesome or is it because somehow i became a rebellious daughter and i'd love to see my mother's face hahaha...
Let's wait until tomorrow and i'll let u know what she thought. Maybe i'll get to make her change her mind!

BTW... Happy Easter Holidays!

Lots of Love

Sunday, April 17


Oh Sailor!
Mirte Maas by Andrea Sjodin
Vogue Japan April 2011

Im soo sorry i practicly abandoned TFI this week! School projects are getting bigger and bigger... and beside i got a terrible cold! Those u get at the beggining of Autumn, which are like torture! so i spent almost the whole week with fever and sneezing!

Tomorrow starts the Easter Holidays, but here in Argentina we don't have the whole week to rest, only Thursday and Friday. So, when most of u are enjoying your precious spring break i'll be waking up at 7am to get to college and have classes while i dream of being in my hometown having the complete easter holidays in the beach!

Well... enough of that! I fell in love of this editorial. I'm a true lover of the whole nautical aesthetic so the moment when i first saw this i knew i had to share it here! If i were on vacations now... this is how i'd love to be dressed... yeah, even with those wedgy shoes!

Are you guys planning something for Spring Break?

PS- the title of this editorial reminded me of a song and video i've always loved. It is O'sailor from Fiona Apple and directed by Flora Sigimondi
. Enjoy it! :)